Ok, since I like tweaking this and other sites so much, I’ve gone ahead and made some changes to the site.
First, since Michelle didn’t like the fact the ‘old’ gallery wouldn’t let you scroll through the picutres by using the arrow key, I’ve upgraded the the way the gallery works. While it looks nicer, and functions better, it also takes twice as long to update each post. But that’s my burden in this world, not yours.
Second, or perhaps, item 1.5, is the Gallery page itself. It too is updated, so you can always just go there to find images that were originally posted on the main page, but may have been pushed down and out because of my prolific writing here. UPDATE: The gallery no longer exists. Since nearly every post contains images, the redundancy is just too redundant. Try using tags and categories instead.
Third – There is now a Sounds page, where I’ll be posting sounds of the kids. This was prompted by my desire to record Tegan’s cry, even though it sears my brain when I hear it for real.
Also, there have been complaints that there are not enough gratuitous pictures of the baby. Ok. I’ll add more. The previous post should help, somewhat. Oh, and this:

1. I really like the photos AND CAPTIONS of Tegan.
2. Why you gotta call me out? Future feedback UNLIKELY. (look how serious I am – those are capital letters)
Ah – don’t mind Michelle – she was having pre-wedding stress! :)
Love this shot! It is really a beautiful moment. And Kari – I love that shawl!! It makes me want to make it!!
@Michelle – Sorry to call you out, but you were right. This new gallery put the old gallery out of business. And you better keep up the feedback, or else.
@Carrster – It was really great seeing you again in MN. And great to meet Dahlia in person. :)