We considered flying back to Minnesota this year but opted for 2 days (each way) of torture in the car instead! We saved a bit of money this way, and also learned what high level, concentrated stress feels like.
Actually it really wasn’t too terrible, we got a portable dvd player for Tory and Tegan is thankfully still content with just sitting there. Unless she’s hungry.
It was a fast, bang bang style trip, spending three days with my folks in Battle Lake, an evening with friends in Minneapolis, a day with the Moe’s, two kid free days in Duluth for an old friends wedding, then Mother’s day with the Moe’s again.
I’ll spare all the details and just say that it was a really nice trip. Great to see family and friends again, the wedding was very nice and the Minnesota weather cooperated for the most part. Click on the picture above to see the rest of the set.
That is quite possibly the most beautiful shot of Tory. Well done Bry! Looks like you guys had a great trip.
The D300 at it’s finest. Great shot.