Perhaps we’re jumping the gun here, but Tegan is getting out of the crib and into a big girl bed. We switched out of a crib a bit early with Tory too, and it worked out fine.
Last night was her first night and it went great. She slept through the night and I didn’t have to pick her from the crib in the morning. We’ll see how well nap time goes.
Awww – so sweet! What a big girl! Dahlia (“3” next week!) is still in her crib. I just can’t deal with that yet – haha! And she has no clue so why….? The day will come!
I’ve heard it’s best to keep them in a crib for as long as possible, especially if they’re happy with it.
We were just tired of having to pick her out in the morning. Now she can ask for her morning banana right next to my bed instead of yelling it from her room :). Hoping it works out in the long run. So far so good though.