Potty training is one of the milestones I’ve been looking forward to the most. With Tory we experienced a long, drawn out process that required much bribery in the form of ‘potty prizes’. It was never meant to be this way… we’d started him sitting on a mini potty from about 5 months and were convinced that by a year old he’d be pooping on his own, and probably even scrubbing the pot when he was done. Not so.
So with Tegan we just decided to let nature take it’s own course and let things happen in due time. For the last 6 months or so we’d as if she wanted to sit on the potty and she always just said no. Until last week that is. She began asking to sit on the potty, and even though nothing would happen, it was encouraging to hear.
And then lo and behold a miracle occurred! I came inside one afternoon to find Tegan sitting on the potty by herself, and actually using it (no 1)! Later that same day she did it again and left a little brown treat! Were we excited? ah haha ha aha aha!
She’s had a few accidents here and there but overall, she’s good to go. There’s still the nighttime diapers for a while and I’m not sure if we’re ready to brave a long afternoon in public, but I’m ready to call this milestone achieved! Way to go kid!
That’s awesome! Go Tegan!
Nicely summed up Bry, you have me in stitches. :)
Grandma and Grandpa are so proud of you!! Doesn’t surprise me much, as her Mom was potty trained over one weekend at Grandma Fedie’s house. I don’t know why but it just seems much easier for girls.
Love you guy!
Grandma Pat