Their birthdays being 5 days apart, celebrations overlap and get shared. This year we had a party at our house, with sledding, games, and a special box of doom with brains and goo and treats hidden inside. It was a ton of fun. The adults had an evening soup fest later on too.
On Tegan’s birthday night we planned on going to the Kamas pool for a swim. Unfortunately it was closed when we got there so decided to head back to PC and try a swim at Silver Mtn. The pool there was way to cold so we decided to go bowling at Jupiter Bowl instead. There was a two hour wait there so we decided to go to Maxwell’s for pizza. There was an hour wait there too so we just went home. After picking up pizza and shoe-shi (kids pronunciation) at Whole Foods.
Tory spent his birthday night at Jupiter Bowl with Sophia, as is becoming the tradition. There was no wait.