Yet Another Ruby Horsethief Trip. Being late August, this trip was much mellower than the earlier June Ruby trip. Which was a good thing, except we did it in two nights instead of three.
We were nearly forced out of our Blackrocks 7 camp in the middle of the night… Kari woke around midnight to the smell of smoke, which was odd because of the fire ban. But it was strong enough that we got out of the tent and saw a bright glow on the horizon. Someone had started a fire and it looked like it was coming our way. We got the other adults up and discussed our options. We decided to pack up most everything except tents and kids. After an hour or so two Forrest Service trucks came down the train tracks and bullhorned that the fire was coming and we should get ready to leave. Another hour later and the fire seemed to have died down so we all went back to sleep. I think Brad stayed up on watch for a while.
The next day we discovered that some yahoo had started the fire setting off fireworks. I’ve since learned that he was charged for the crime and will probably be paying for the aftermath for quite some time.
Ruby Horsethief: More exciting that you’d expect.