Summer 2021
Here’s a few pics from throughout the summer. Lots of fun stuff!
Here’s a few pics from throughout the summer. Lots of fun stuff!
We still love our wood burning stove and harvesting our own fuel, so yep again did we head off into the Uintas with friends. Every year it gets easier and quicker (for various reasons), but this year the kids really put in the effort and helped. We also got a second chainsaw – a brand […]
School’s back in session. Everyone resume normal life scheduled.
Here’s a gallery of our two woodcutting sessions this year. The first trip up we spent the night, just our family. The next, a few weeks later we simply came up for the day. Check out the new trailer too!
Kids spent the day with Grandma and grandpa at the UOP!
Both of the kids really like sushi – Tory says it’s his favorite food.
We love gardening and our greenhouse. Here’s some veggies harvested in July.
I can’t remember who, where, or why, but this facepaint was pretty fantastic.
Here’s a few pics from the early part of this winter.
It’s been another great year for our covered veggie garden. We also had a bit of luck growing garlic over the winter. Here’s a few mid-summer harvest pics.
Last spring we built an open raised bed garden behind our covered garden with the intent of planting raspberries. The Battle Lake raspberries we brought home from my parents house last July never made it (not even close) so last fall we planted garlic as an experiment. The garlic made it, and Kari added a […]
It happened – Oct 31 came around, kids got dressed up, and candy ensued. Pics of the Halloween season:
Tory drew up a plan for a platform style bird feeder after seeing it in a book. So we decided to build it.
Our covered garden, year two. Or was it year three? No… two.
Here are some early pics from waaaaay last summer when I stopped posting for some reason. If you’re wondering about me keeping up this year, see this post.
Getting the kids to keep their rooms (somewhat) clean is a constant for us. Today Tegan’s room was what’s referred as a ‘disaster pit.’ I asked her to clean it up and two minutes later she comes out saying she’s done. Uh huh. So it’s to be the old, behind the door trick, eh? No […]
Earthday 2012 wasn’t much of an event for us this year, but Babbie and Brad stopped by (and Tai and Aspen of course) and we all got to plant something, at least. The Chicks and Hens that were in the backyard got planted in the front!
It’s becoming somewhat of a tradition in our family to make sugar cookies for Christmas and let the kids paint them up. Tradition as in, this is the second year in a row we’ve done it. Sugar cookies happen to be my most favorite Christmas cookie so I can see this continuing. The kids had […]
Just a few photos of the Tegers hanging out with her Daddy.
Rather than try and go back and separate out each event that happened over the last two months, here’s a bunch of photos from that time. The main reason I’ve missed so much is our camera had a series of unfortunate events… but we’ve got it back now so I’ve no longer got an excuse […]
The Park City Fire District has a wood chipping department, and since I have an in with the chief they’ll sometimes drop off the chips in our driveway. This load the kids have been helping us distribute.
Since I’ve been such a slagger with updates these past few months, here’s some randomness from May.
Aunt Jenny stopped in for a few days while on route to Crested Butte. We tried to convince her to stay but her heart was set on a return to her old stomping grounds. I don’t blame her, Kari and I both had many good years in CB.
Come on kid, let’s get you into bed.
As fun as tomato soup is to eat, it’s apparently even more fun to wear.
Only 22 photos were taken in February, and zero posts. I better get on it.
Through most of the year this journal about Tory and Tegan is more about pictures, and the little captions that try and capture the moment each image reflects. The story that goes along with each post is usually very thin – it’s the pictures that are meant to do all the talking. This is very […]
There are certain things I’ve just accepted as gone in my life since getting married, and topping that list is Sugar Cookies. Being married to a holistic nutritionist has it’s benefits, along with the occasional “I will NEVER bake you sugar cookies.” Well, apparently hell hath frozen over, as Kari decided to crank up our […]
Instead of spending X for a cut Christmas tree this year, we decided to spend a little more, like about 3X and get a live, though dormant, potted tree. As with anything there’s pluses and minuses that go along with it all. The biggest bummer is that you can’t leave it inside for very long, […]
Grandpa and Grandma Hoffman came to town! They drove out for about a week and blended in nicely with our daily lives. Even though there were more of us, the house seemed to stay much cleaner that week. Strange. Grandpa also unleashed his handy-man tinkering skills. Lots of little projects that were on my list […]
Tory’s been into making different dishes out of his sandbox kitchen – and today’s fare was Rice Soup. Is it my fault for telling him to take a bite, or his for actually doing it? At least he was smiling about it.
While the rest of the world celebrates Labor Day, here in Park City we celebrate Miners Day. Even though most laborers in this town no longer mine.
Here’s a few images of Tegan wrestling with a popsicle. In the end she won, but that popsicle put up one heck of a fight.
Nothing special to read here, just a normal morning at the breakfast table. Some days it’s oats, some days it’s eggs. And on special days it’s Cheerios and milk. Today it’s just toast.
It’s finally summer here and that means the Mountain Town Music concerts are in fill swing. We’re pretty lucky here in Park City – there’s free concerts 3 or 4 days a week during the summer. This band was from South Carolina and were dang good! Shoulda bought a cd.
Sorry Tegan. I’ve never really liked these shoes that I refer to as ‘The Classic Baby Shoe,’ but my goodness are they useful. They stay on her feet, she can’t take them off, and she seems to like them. They’re not as easy to get on as a shoe with velcro, but they’re white and […]
Willow Creek park is one of the bigger places for the kids to run and jump so we were happy to find that it had finally melted out from the long winters nap. At least for a day, anyway. The next day we woke to another 9″ on the ground.
Lately the kids have been making ‘pops’ from a Mickey mold that their friend Evan got for them at Disneyland. So yeah, it’s been pops every day. The best pops, by the way, are made with yogurt, fruit, apple juice and just a little sweet, like agave.
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