Saturday skiing with Evan
We try to get Tory out 2 to 3 times a week skiing – at least once during the week and the weekends. Saturdays have been the best this winter when he gets to ski with his bud Evan.
We try to get Tory out 2 to 3 times a week skiing – at least once during the week and the weekends. Saturdays have been the best this winter when he gets to ski with his bud Evan.
Every year The Canyons holds an Easter egg hunt on the mountain, and every year we miss it by just a few minutes. Luckily the kids are still too small to really care (I hope), so like I said last year: We’ll make it next year! The Epsteins did make it on time, and the […]
Friday night found us at the Summit County fair, along with some Park City and Heber City friends. There were rides, games, snow cones, and corn dogs. Kari and I even got to ride the Zipper (still my favorite carney ride). This being our first Summit Co fair, I was struck by the fact that […]
We headed south to Yuba State Park for a weekend of camping, beaching, and boating. Four families and one dog spent three days in the heat, eating drinking, surfing, swimming, laughing, and playing. It was a great time, and thanks go out to Pete and Kelly for inviting us all along. Click the image above […]